When is this service available? What are the hours?
24/7. 365.
When can we start using the service?
Whenever you think you and your team are ready. Our lawyer insists that we need something on paper, or we won't have any argument in court that we weren't just mavericking out there. Eventually we'll need signed paper. ​But to get going, just give us a call, 303-285-1289.
Training and implementation are pretty simple. Just trigger the QR code at the bottom of the page using your cell phone, follow the on screen instructions, and you'll get a glimpse of how easy this is to implement departmentally.
When did all this start?
January 1, 2023, formally. Sheriff Mazzola and Charlie ran a pilot for a few months beforehand to prove that it works before applying for any grants. In two years we've only missed one call for service and that was a technical failure, not a failure of availability. Fortunately, the need resolved on its own, no harm done.
When does the grant end?
The current grant ends March 31, 2025, next grant begins immediately extending the program through March 31, 2026. In addition to meeting your on-scene needs, goals written into this next grant include efforts to try to recruit more participating agencies and to form a collective of rural law enforcement organizations who team up to fund and refine their own bureaucracy-free service, accountable only to them.
Please consider joining us.